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Zilverprijs manipulatie


Prepper goeroe

Silver Price Manipulation​

In this video I talk about how the price of silver is being manipulated lower. I show proof of silver price manipulation from the department of justice. I also talk about who is manipulating silver price and who is benefitting from silver price manipulation. I think that many silver stackers would agree that the price of silver have been manipulated in the past and the silver price manipulation is going on today as well. Silver price can be manipulated be spoofing, and by other illegal trading practices. I believe that the price of silver will continue to be manipulated. Anyone who thinks silver price manipulation is not happening in 2023 needs to take a closer look at what is going on. Silver price manipulation in 2023 is clearly still happening and those responsible need to be brought to justice. JP Morgan has only paid $920 Million in fines for silver price manipulation when they clearly benefitted by much more than this. Below is the special silver price manipulation report:

Silver Manipulation Special Report: https://www.wealthresearchgroup.com/JPM1

De goud/zilver ratio is op dit moment 84,86


Mankinds only hope
Zou het verbieden van handel in futures helpen deze praktijken tegdn te gaan?
Het lijkt dat de controle, de wetgeving en de strafmaat niet opgewassen zijn tegen deze oneerlijke handelapraktijken.

Maar in plaats van te klagen, kan je er wellicht van profiteren, door je zilver te kopen nu die prijs relatief laag is.
Zodra er tekorten aan uitleverbaar zilver ontstaan - en dat lijkt geen jaren meer te duren, omdat er meer fysiek zilver wordt verkocht, dan geproduceerd - zal de prijs van fysiek zilver flink moeten stijgen.
  • Geweldig
Waarderingen: Mayo